Interface, vol. 9 ISSUE 2
Interface. A journal for and about social movements
Interface volume 9 issue 2. Social movement thinking beyond the core
Volume 9 issue 2, single file
PDF (6.45 MB)
ISSN 2009-2431
Social movement thinking beyond the core: theories and research in post-colonial and post-socialist societies
Laurence Cox, Alf Nilsen, Geoffrey Pleyers (pp. 1 – 36)
Political parties, trade unions and social movements: emancipatory reconfigurations of popular organisation (pp. 37 – 44) PDF (EN)
Themed pieces
Bringing in the South: towards a global paradigm for social movement studies (peer-reviewed article)
Simin Fadaee (pp. 45 – 60)
What it takes to compare non-core movements: a world-systems perspective. Two cases from contemporary East Central European movements (peer-reviewed article)
Agnes Gagyi (pp. 61 – 82)
Politicisation and depoliticisation of ecology: Polish and Romanian perspectives (peer-reviewed article)
Pepijn van Eeden (pp. 83 – 113)
Emotive acts of citizenship, social change and knowledge production in Lebanon (peer-reviewed article)
Dina Kiwan (pp. 114 – 142)
Grief and the inter-cultural public sphere: “rights of nature” and the contestation of “global coloniality” (peer-reviewed article)
Erin Fitz-Henry (pp. 143 – 161)
Collaboration and competition: market queens, trade unions and collective action of informal workers in Ghana’s Makola Market (peer-reviewed article)
Tanja D. Hendriks (pp. 162 – 187)
What happened to the peasants? Material for a history of an alternative tradition of resistance in Ireland (peer-reviewed article)
Tomás Mac Sheoin (pp. 188 – 275)
General pieces
Toward an anti-fracking mobilization toolkit: ten practices from Western Newfoundland’s campaign (peer-reviewed article)
Leah M. Fusco and Angela V. Carter (pp. 276 – 299)
From dams to democracy: framing processes and political opportunities in Chile’s Patagonia Without Dams movement (peer-reviewed article)
Sophia L. Borgias and Yvonne A. Braun (pp. 300 – 328)
Facilitating dissident action: perils and potentials of a self-organising initiative (event analysis)
Signe Thydal and Christian F. Svensson (pp. 329 – 343)
El tractament de les vagues a la premsa espanyola: anàlisi de la informació sobre causes i conseqüències (research note)
Iván Carretero-Navarro and Eva Espinar-Ruiz (pp. 344 – 352)
Not yet the end of the world: political cultures of opposition and creation
in the global youth climate justice movement (peer-reviewed article)
John Foran, Summer Gray and Corrie Grosse (pp. 353 – 379)
Ghosts at work: notes on workplace hauntings (research note)
Bert Lewis (pp. 380 – 388)
Single PDF (EN) (pp. 389 – 444)
Donna Haraway, 2016, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Review author: Carolyn Elerding
Chris Robé, 2017, Breaking the Spell: A History of Anarchist Filmmakers, Videotape Guerrillas, and Digital Ninjas. Review author: Beth Geglia
Sharpe, Christina, 2016, In the Wake: On Blackness and Being. Review author: Shannon Walsh
Robbie Shilliam, 2015, The Black Pacific: Anti-Colonial Struggles and Oceanic Connections. Review author: Lewis B.H. Eliot
Ingeborg Gaarde, 2017, Peasants negotiating a global policy space – La Via Campesina in the Committee on World Food Security. Review author: Maria Vasile
Wesley Lowery, 2017, They Can’t Kill Us All: The Story of Black Lives Matter. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, 2016, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation. Christopher J. Lebron, 2017, The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of an Idea. Review author: Andrew Kettler
Jodi Dean, 2016, Crowds and Party. Donatella della Porta, Joseba Fernández, Hara Kouki and Lorenzo Mosca, 2017, Movement Parties Against Austerity. Richard Seymour, 2016, Corbyn. The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics. Review author: Andy Mathers
Dylan Taylor, 2017, Social Movements and Democracy in the 21st century. Review author: Laurence Cox
Harald Bauder, 2017, Migration Borders Freedom. Review author: Sutapa Chattopadhyay
Nandini Sundar, 2016, The Burning Forest: India’s war on Bastar. Review author: Sutapa Chattopadhyay
Kristian Lasslett (2014), State Crime on the Margins of Empire: Rio Tinto, the War on Bougainville and Resistance to Mining. Review Author: Alexander Dunlap
Adam Greenfield, 2017, Radical Technologies: The Design of Everyday Life.Review author: Harry Warne
List of editorial contacts
Cover art: Photo of the Rozbrat squat in Poznan, Poland. © Miguel Martinez 2017.
About Interface
Interface: a journal for and about social movements is a peer-reviewed journal of practitioner research produced by movement participants and engaged academics. Interface is globally organised in a series of different regional collectives, and is produced as a multilingual journal. Peer-reviewed articles have been subject to double-blind review by one researcher and one movement practitioner.
The views expressed in any contributions to Interface: a journal for and about social movements are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of Interface, the editors, the editorial collective, or the organizations to which the authors are affiliated. Interface is committed to the free exchange of ideas in the best tradition of intellectual and activist inquiry.
The Interface website is based at the National University of Ireland Maynooth.
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