Visiting Scholars Application
The deadline for the 2020-2021 academic year is February 1, 2020.
Each year the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) selects a number of distinguished academics (Visiting Scholars) and professionals (Fellows) who wish spend one or two semesters at Harvard working on their own research and writing projects. Visiting Scholars and Fellows are selected competitively on the basis of the applicant’s qualifications, the quality of the applicant’s research plans, and the relevance of both to the Center’s mission and objectives.
For fellowship holders, the minimum stay is three months during the regular academic year. Fall term appointments run from September 1 to the end of December. Spring appointments begin in January and end in May. Visiting Scholars and Fellows are expected to be in residence a minimum of three months during term time.
DRCLAS offers residential fellowships for Visiting Scholars and Fellows from Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean, Central America, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. There are typically 10-12 Visiting Scholars and Fellows in residence each academic year. Scholars from other countries whose work focuses on Brazil, Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela are also eligible. In addition, resources are available each year to provide residential fellowships from any country in the region. The Center currently offers nine fellowships that provide support for one semester of residence for Visiting Scholars and Fellows who are engaged in research projects on any country in Latin America or the Caribbean.
Visiting Scholars and Fellows are provided shared office space, computer, library borrowing privileges, access to University facilities and events, and opportunities to audit classes and attend seminars in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and in other Harvard professional schools. The residential fellowships cover round-trip travel expenses (up to $3,000 and taxable), emergency-only health insurance coverage (for the foreign Visiting Scholar or Fellow and accompanying immediate family), and a taxable $25,000 living stipend while at Harvard. The stipend is $25,000 regardless of a one or two semester residency. Appointments are typically for one or two semesters. Recipients are expected to spend a full semester at the University (Fall term appointments run from September to the end of December. Spring appointments begin in January and end in May). A full academic year appointment is possible for Visiting Scholars and Fellows who obtain funding from their own academic institutions, outside foundations or use personal resources.
Proficiency in both written and spoken English is expected of Visiting Scholars and Fellows. Each Visiting Scholar or Fellow is expected to present a lecture in English on a topic related to his or her research and encouraged to be available for informal consultation by faculty and students with related interests.
Please note: This is not a post doctoral program and recent PhD graduates are generally not appropriate candidates for the Visiting Scholars and Fellows Program at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.
To facilitate contact with students and faculty in relevant disciplines, the Center invites Visiting Scholars to propose a for-credit seminar or course. However, approval from the appropriate department or Faculty is required and not always possible to secure. Candidates should indicate their interest in teaching on their application and enclose a brief course proposal. Applications are reviewed on the merits of the research project and are not influenced by the inclusion of a course offering.
Proposals must have a clearly defined project and should address how the proposed project connects to and benefits from Harvard’s unique resources (including libraries, faculty, ongoing projects, special initiatives). Materials should be submitted in English.
An interdisciplinary panel of Harvard faculty reviews all completed applications and selects those to be appointed. Applications are evaluated by both discipline and fellowship opportunity.
A complete application includes the online application and two single-sided paper copies of the following documents:
-Printed Copy of Completed Online Application
-Proposal (limit 3-4 page)
-Two letters of Recommendation
Options for letters of recommendation:
Recommenders may:
-e-mail letter to
-mail hard copy to address below,:
-sealed letters may also be included in application packet.
Candidates must apply on line and also send two paper copies to:
Visiting Scholars Program
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
1730 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
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