Position for a Dissertation Researcher
A Fixed-term Position for a Dissertation Reseacrher (PhD Candidate) in the Faculty of Social Sciences (Gender Studies)
Apply here: https://uta.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=A_RJ&jgid=1&jid=1168
The Faculty of Social Sciences in the University of Tampere invites applications for a Dissertation Researcher (PhD candidate) for a fixed term of up to 4 years, starting in the fall of 2018.
The University of Tampere, Tampere University of Technology and Tampere University of Applied Sciences are building a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education and a hub of expertise in technology, health and society. The new higher education community begins its operations on 1 January 2019. Read more: www.tampere3.fi/en/.
The project “Gender, party politics and democracy in Europe: A study of European Parliament’s party groups” (EUGenDem) at the University of Tampere will run from August 2018 – July 2023 and is directed by Professor Johanna Kantola. It is funded by European Research Council (ERC-Consolidator Grant 2017). The project provides a systematic analysis of the gendered policies and practices of European party politics. The research comprises a comparative study of the European Parliament’s (EP) party groups and generates empirical findings about the significance of gender in the current party political transformations in Europe.
The project EUGenDem is conducted in Gender Studies, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. The University of Tampere is an internationally renowned research-led university and one of the few in the world to specialize in social sciences (more information on Finland and Tampere).
The dissertation researcher (PhD candidate) will study the European Parliament’s political groups’ gender violence policies. The candidate’s duties include participation in regular research team meetings and presenting their research at seminars and academic conferences.
The selected candidate will also need to apply for acceptance in the Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences (in Gender Studies) during the fall application period. The dissertation researcher’s main duties will consist of PhD studies and writing of a dissertation.
The appointee to the position of dissertation researcher must hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field and must subsequently be accepted as a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Programme mentioned above.
Studies in European Union; European (party) politics; and gender and politics are an asset, but not a requirement. The appointee must have the ability to conduct independent scientific research. The candidate should have excellent analytical and methodological skills, and be able to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary scientific community. The successful candidates are expected to have excellent skills in written and oral English. Skills in Finnish or Swedish are not required.
Salary and probationary period
The salary of the dissertation researcher will be based on level 2 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition to the basic salary, supplementary salary will be paid according to the personal performance, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. At commencement, the monthly salary of a dissertation researcher will typically range between 2200- 2600 €. The post is subject to a four month probationary period.
The application process
Applications should be written in English and submitted electronically via the University of Tampere’s electronic recruitment system (link below) by 15:45 (UCT +3:00) on May 3, 2018. The interviews of the top candidates will be held during the week 22.
The following documents should accompany your application:
(1) CV including a possible list of publications (max. 3 pages)
(2) Contact information for two referees
(3) A research statement (max. 4 pages) consisting of
i) a brief description of previous experience, such as MA thesis
ii) a short proposal for the PhD project: how to study the gender violence policies of the European Parliament’s party groups (including suggested starting date)
iii) statement of motivation for the position applied for
For further information on the position please contact professor Johanna Kantola, johanna.kantola(at)uta.fi.
For queries related to the application process please contact HR Specialist Sari Pasto, sari.pasto(at)uta.fi.
Applying starts: 2018-03-28 15:30 Applying ends: 2018-05-03 15:45
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