Call for Expression of Interest | University of Trento
Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Italy Faculty Positions: Call for Expression of Interest
The Department, regularly ranked among the top social science departments in Italy, is establishing a new Center for Social and Political Research Methods funded by a 5 year, €6.2m grant from the ‘Departments of Excellence Scheme’ of the Ministry for University and Scientific Research-MIUR. It will be advertising new faculty positions in Sociology and in Political Science, in both cases with a profile on research methods. Depending on the candidates’ qualifications, these appointments can be offered at the Lecturer B (Ricercatore a tempo determinato B) level or at the Associate Professor (Professore Associato) level.
Scholars with a good research and teaching record are invited to express their interest in these positions by contacting the Departmental Chair, Professor Mario Diani (please email both mario.diani@unitn .it AND
Candidates should have a significant experience in research methodology, combined with a substantive social scientific focus. While open to consider any methodological approach, the Department is particularly interested in candidates with expertise in one or more of the following methods:
- agent-based modelling (ABM) approaches
- field experiments
- qualitative comparative analysis-QCA and related methods for the analysis of small Ns
- statistical methods for the analysis of relational data, such as exponential random graph models-ERGM
- methods for spatial research such as geographic information systems-GIS
- mixed methods for the analysis of textual and narrative data, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches
The Department will particularly welcome candidates combining methodological expertise with research interests in one or more of the following:
- environmental and territorial processes
- the social organization of cultural production
- public communication
- the structure of scientific communities, professional groups, and communities of practice
- public policy
- multilevel governance
- political behavior and public opinion
- political change and cleavage structures
- forms and mechanisms of cooperation and conflict
Candidates will have a doctoral degree and at least three years of postdoctoral research experience at reputable institutions. An international outlook is desirable, as well as proof of skills involved in fund-raising from national and EU sources. Candidates should have good interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to work as part of a team. In addition to a full command of the English language, candidates will be expected to be able to teach in Italian within three years from the start of their appointment.
The Department is committed to equal opportunities in recruitment and career progression.
Lecturer B (Ricercatore a tempo determinato B) is a tenure track position, to be converted into an Associate Professorship after three years, following favorable evaluations from the Department and the University Recruitment Committee, and the award of the National Habilitation as Associate Professor from a National Evaluation Committee.
Associate Professor is a permanent, tenured position. Candidates will need either a National Habilitation from the Italian National Committee, or to be in an equivalent position to Associate Professor in their current employment. Equivalence of academic position abroad is defined according to standards provided by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
The successful candidates will play a key role in the setting up of the new Center for Social and Political Research Methods (see below). They will teach at undergraduate, master, and doctoral level, carrying a teaching load of 120 hours per academic year for the Associate Professor, and 90 hours for the Lecturer B. They will also supervise student dissertations at all levels. The positions will carry some administrative duties, commensurate to rank. Candidates will be expected to be resident in the Trento province.
The Department of Sociology and Social Research continues the tradition of the Faculty of Sociology, established in 1962 as the first HE institution in Italy devoted to social science research. The Department currently hosts 55 academic staff (about 60% sociologists, 20% political scientists, and the other 20% from disciplines including anthropology, economics, history, mathematics, philosophy, and statistics). Researchers based in the department have achieved international recognition in several areas including comparative and European politics and policy, consumerism, cultural processes, family and the life course, inequality, labor market, migration, multilevel governance, organization studies, public opinion, science studies, social forecasting and anticipation studies, social movements and collective action, social work, sociological theory, welfare organizations and social services.
The Department recruits about 400 students every year to its three undergraduate programs in Sociology, International Studies and Social Work. It offers Master programs in Sociology & Social Research, Organizational and Territorial Dynamics, and Management of Social Services, and collaborates with the Master’s programs of the School of International Studies. The department is currently launching a new Master’s degree in Data Science in cooperation with other departments of the university. The Doctoral Program in Sociology, part of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, is one of the oldest and arguably the most prestigious PhD program in Sociology in the country.
The Department is regularly ranked among the top social science departments in Italy in periodical assessments of the quality of research in the country. A new Center for Social and Political Research Methods is being established with the following aims and objectives:
- to improve the methodological quality of the research conducted in the department
- to work towards the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods
- to coordinate teaching activities on research methods in the department
- to assist both staff and students in the development of their projects
- to offer training opportunities on state-of-the-art methodologies both to the broad scientific community as well as to researchers in public agencies or business
- to stimulate awareness of the potential misuses of social science data in public debates
Interested academics should send an up to date CV and a letter outlining their research foci and methodological skills, to the Departmental Chair Professor Mario Diani ((please email both mario.diani@unitn .it AND Based on the quality of the expressions of interest received, a formal Call for Applications may be issued, in conformity with Italian regulations. The Department hopes to issue such call by May 2018 at the latest.
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