The Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 Pandemic
Perspectives from the COMEXUS Community
Covid-19: Perspectivas de la Comunidad COMEXUS
El equipo de COMEXUS les envía un cordial saludo en este momento difícil y sin precedentes. Mientras el mundo experimenta grandes retos y transformaciones relacionados con la pandemia de Covid-19, nuestros becarios y exbecarios contribuyen con conocimiento, reflexión y perspectivas sobre la situación actual.
Inspirados por la iniciativa de Fulbright Israel (Split Screen), creamos una página web para los artículos, ensayos, e incluso fotografías de nuestra comunidad. Estas obras abordan la crisis desde puntos de vista diversos, ilustrando el gran abanico de experiencias de nuestros becarios y exbecarios.
¡Les invitamos a visitar la página! Si desean contribuir por favor envíen su obra acompañada de una biografía corta y una foto retrato a Aceptamos artículos en inglés o en español.
During this challenging and unprecedented period of change caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic, we at COMEXUS know that our grantees and alumni have a great deal to contribute. From health to economics, history to education, the COMEXUS community (those who have received Fulbright-García Robles and/or other Commission grants) contains a wealth of knowledge.
With this in mind, we invited our grantees and alumni to contribute their diverse perspectives on the current crisis. We were delighted at the enthusiastic response, and excited to share their works with you on this site. These varied pieces range from valuable scientific research on the virus itself to deeply personal stories of the pandemic’s effects.
Click on the menu in the top right corner to view articles on the Science Perspective, Social Science Perspective, and Cultural & Personal Refections. We hope these works contribute to the breadth and depth of your understanding of this historic period in time.
- Science and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Cultural and Personal Reflections
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