WIPSS Seminar: Protests in the year of Covid
WIPSS – Convened by Peter Mayo, Michael Briguglio, Francois Zammit
Protests in the year of Covid– The case of Malta
Speaker: Dr Michael Briguglio
Monday 10 May 18:30
Zoom link: https://universityofmalta.zoom.us/j/94384248891
Facebook event page: (10) Protests in the Year of Covid, The Case of Malta | Facebook
This research presents and discusses physical protests that took place in Malta during 2020 – the year of Covid19 – and which gained media coverage in Malta’s main independent newspapers.
The paper will analyse the issues, organisations, coalitions, venues and type of protests in question. This will provide comparative analysis during the year, which in turn can be compared to upcoming research of protests in subsequent years.
The study will look at the groups and organisations that make up the collective actions in question; the events that form the action repertoire; and the ideas that guide the protests.
In turn, the study will look into the networks and the broader context in which movements are protesting, which in this case concerns the specific characteristics of movement and political activism in Malta as a small EU member state.
KEYWORDS: Protest, New Social Movements, Malta, Civil Society, Activism
Dr Michael Briguglio has a doctorate in sociology and is a senior lecturer at the University of Malta, within the Department of Sociology. His main research interests are politics, social movements, the environment and social policy, and he has published several scholarly contributions on these topics. He is one of the founders of the Malta Sociological Association where he currently serves as Public Relations Officer. Dr. Briguglio is a board member of Research Network 25 – Social Movements of the European Sociological Association, and a convenor of the Works in Progress Seminar Series at the University of Malta.
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