Reimagining our Worlds from Below

Reimagining our Worlds from Below:

Transnational Conversations on Resistance, Movements, and Transformations
May 18-21, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has made more evident persistent, systemic inequalities that are rooted in and shaped by ideological, economic, political, social, and cultural structures. However, there are other transnational concerns that exacerbate these inequalities, including dwindling natural resources, expanding conflicts, increasing authoritarianism, and widening wealth gaps. Amid all these, a deeper awareness of the damage of colonial and imperialistic histories is emerging, making obvious that Western/Euro/American-centric solutions are no longer viable, and are, in fact, sources of social problems.

In response to the challenges these inequalities pose, the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) is hosting a free virtual international conference. It aims to provide a platform for scholars, activists, practitioners, students, professionals, governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and members of civil society from all over the world to network, share experiences and learn from one another across boundaries – as we reimagine forms of resistance, movements, and solutions to the unconscionable historic and existential challenges we face on our planet. We warmly invite you to join the conversation. Participation from the Global South is especially encouraged.

Call for Submissions

We invite individual contributions to our themed sessions. In addition, the open part of our call invites you to propose an additional session, with a topic of your choice that matches our overall conference title and mission. All presenters will:

Please note that by handing in a proposal, you give your express consent to the conference model, including the open accessibility and archiving of your contribution.

Contributions can range from rather “classical” paper presentations in English with slides to elaborated clips with video material or pictures, to extraordinary, experimental presentations with potentially several speakers. Different languages can be used, as long as contributors put subtitles to their recording in English.

Proposals for individual contributions: Your response to the call for a themed session should entail a title plus an abstract of 250 to 350 words. Please add a brief biographical note. Submissions should be sent to the corresponding session organizer(s) by March 20, 2022.

Proposal for an additional, full session: You offer to organize and lead a session. Your response should entail a session title, the name(s) and affiliations of the session organizer(s), an abstract of 250 to 350 words explaining its rationale, plus a title and abstract of each contribution. A minimum of three (3) named and confirmed contributions per session is required.If accepted, the complete information you sent will be included in the conference program and schedule. Submissions should be sent to the central conference address by March 20,, point persons: Diana Therese M. Veloso & Pattie Thomas.

Schedule for Contributors and Special Organizers
  • Abstracts are due by Sunday, March 20, 8pm Eastern Time (US East coast). Note:  if you are submitting a proposal to more than one session, please let both session organizers know, and also indicate your top choice.
  • Session organizers and point persons will review the proposals between March 21 and April 2.
  • Responses will be given by Sunday, April 3. Shortly thereafter, the overall conference program and schedule for the real-time panel discussions will be published online.
  • Videos of your contribution will be due by Friday, April 22.
  • Videos should be accessible from Sunday, May 1. Thereafter, the online Q&A starts.
  • The virtual real-time panel discussions will take part between May 18-21, according to the time zone that works best for the session participants.

Conference contact:

More information and the call for submissions:

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