Plaza de profesor en historia de las ideas con énfasis en toería cultural y geografía cultural – Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca)

Job Announcement

Type: Associate Professor of the History Ideas
Institution: Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University
Location: Aarhus (Denmark)
Deadline: 19.4.2013


The Department of Culture and Society invites applications for the position of associate professor of the history ideas with special emphasis on cultural theory and cultural geography. The appointment begins on 1 August 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position
The department seeks a candidate with broad research and teaching experience in the field of the history of ideas who has special expertise in the areas of cultural theory and cultural geography.
Applicants must document research qualifications at international level in this field. Some of the teaching duties associated with the position are related to the Experience Economy Programme, which is concerned with added value and the creation of value in the emotional, symbolic and economic spheres. Teaching experience in this field is required. The right candidate for the position possesses the personal and professional qualities to contribute to Aarhus University’s core activities- research, teaching, talent development and knowledge exchange – both nationally and internationally.

For more information about the position, please contact Associate Professor Morten Haugaard Jeppesen at +45 +45 8716 2268 or

Applicants for the associate professorship must have a doctoral degree in the history of ideas or equivalent qualifications.
Applicants must have scholarly qualifications at an international level and teaching qualifications equivalent to those acquired in an assistant professorship.

Applicants must also document
– an internationally oriented research and publication profile
– participation in national and international networks
– experience with or an interest in communication and knowledge
exchange documented extensive teaching experience
– experience with interdisciplinary collaboration as well as
interdisciplinary research and teaching
– experience in supervising student projects and an interest in
researcher talent development

The successful applicant will also be expected to contribute to the department’s academic environment. Participation in the daily life of the programme is a high priority, and we emphasise the importance of good working relationships, both among colleagues and to our students.

If the successful applicant is not fluent in Danish, he or she will be expected to learn Danish within a period of approximately two years. For more information about applications and hiring, please contact HR partner Louise Søndergaard, tel. +45 40 48 43 69, email:

The history of ideas at Aarhus University The academic environment in Philosophy and the History of Ideas at Aarhus University is the largest of its type in Denmark and – not least thanks to the productive tension between the systematic and historical perspectives – the research conducted is characterised by an undogmatic and open orientation towards the worldy sphere. The programme’s researchers are thus involved in a variety of interdisciplinary projects both within and outside the Faculty of Arts. For a more detailed description of the programme, please see this website.

The Department of Culture and Society
The focus of the Department of Culture and Society, to which the History of Ideas Programme belongs, is the interplay of culture and society in time and space:

– from the traditional disciplines of the humanities and theology
to applied social research
– from antiquity to the issues facing contemporary societies
– from familiar Danish cultural forms to other – and very different –
– from local questions to global challenges

The department’s goal is to produce compelling research with international resonance and visibility, as well as to offer high-quality undergraduate and post-graduate study programmes. The department is closely linked to society, both in Denmark and abroad, and contributes to social innovation, research communication and further and continuing education. For a more detailed description of the department, please see this website.

The Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts combines educational, theological and humanistic knowledge in order to strengthen Aarhus University’s efforts in the areas of research, researcher talent development, knowledge exchange and education. The faculty is the result of a fusion of three former main academic areas: the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Theology and the Danish School of Education. For further information plese see this website.

The Faculty of Humanities refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

– Further information on qualification requirements and job content
may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff
at Danish Universities.
– Further information on application and relevant enclosures may be
found in the Guidelines for applicants for academic positions.
– Teaching portfolio, degree certificate (copy), curriculum vitae,
complete list of publications and verified information on previous
teaching experience must be submitted with the application.

When you submit your application, please upload a maximum of eight samples of your scholarly output.

All interested are urged to apply irrespective of personal background.

All applications must be made online and received by 19 April 2013.

Please apply online here


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