Call for a tenure-track professor in Cultural Anthropology at Monmouth University with an emphasis on both Latin America and Anthropological Theory
Monmouth University’s Department of History and Anthropology seeks a tenure-track professor in Cultural Anthropology. Candidates with a specialization in Spanish-speaking Latin America are especially welcome, as is the ability to add to our existing undergraduate and graduate programs in Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology. We are in joint department so an ability to contribute to the history program is also welcome. Candidates with the Ph.D. in hand are preferred although strong A.B.D. candidates will be considered. Successful applicants should have demonstrated excellence in teaching and should be prepared to teach anthropological theory. Candidates with experience teaching in online and hybrid formats are particularly welcome. The course load is three courses per semester, with the opportunity to teach in the summers. Candidates will be expected to teach introductory courses in cultural anthropology, as well as mid-level, and graduate courses in specific areas of cultural anthropology.
Candidates must be committed to Monmouth’s teaching and scholarship mission, including the advising and career mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students and engaging in such department activities as outcomes assessment and advising student groups and honor societies. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates need to apply online by January 22, 2013 at:
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