The Youths in Contemporary Global Order

Call for Chapters in Edited Book Book Title:

The Youths in Contemporary Global Order: Exclusions, Ramifications and Pathways Expected Year of Publication: 2022

About The Proposed Book

The remit of this book is examination of existentialities of youths within current global arrangements to practically engage issues around realities of youth’s exclusion, the complex consequences of the exclusion and sustainable pathways out of the trajectories of youth exclusion. This book intends to addresses issues around youths from a global perspective. Issues to be addressed in this book are as tangents of existential exclusion of the youths from the mainframe of the current global order around the world. Researches, experiences and observations of over two decades have proven how youths, as a category, struggle to survive and be relevant within current global systemic and institutional arrangements. Youths in contemporary world appear trapped, strategically excluded and helplessly frustrated by the main supposedly supportive institutional frameworks of society. This current situation relative to the youths across the world is a major existential and generational problem. Yet, there are no enough works in Sociology of Youths on this area of youths and social/institutional exclusion around the world. Intellectual works are particularly lacking on relevant and specific existential issues that confront the youths, how the issues affect the youths, their bearing with exclusion and the pathways out of these issues. This book will fill important gaps on youth’s existentialities from global perspectives. The issues engaged in this book are addressed from practical, pragmatic intellectual and policy perspectives. This book will provide original materials, literature and data that are currently unavailable. This book will be cuing edge and innovative as a major contribution to knowledge.


This book intends to be very multi/trans/interdisciplinary. The methods, orientation and approaches will be multi/trans/interdisciplinary. He book be by scholars from many different, but relevant, disciplines in order to make the book very useful for many different people and areas of study/usage. Issues and approaches of interest will be those with broad and cross cutting elements best explored across man different but related disciplines, perspectives and methodologies.

 Unique points of the book:
  1. Engagement with real existential issues confronting the youths from a global perspectives
  2. In-depth and incisive analysis
  3. More relevant case studies
  4. Multi/transdisciplinary approach
  5. Practical/pragmatic perspectives
  6. Problem solving methodologies
Language and Originality

The language of communication and publication is English and originality is key at not more than 15 percent Similarity Index.

Themes for Expected Chapters:
  1. Definitions, Typologies and Characterization of Youths
  2. Youths in Global Context
  3. Theorizing the Youths and social exclusion
  4. Youths and Poverty
  5. Youths and education
  6. Youth and Unemployment
  7. Youths and Violence
  8. Youths and Governance (exclusion)
  9. Youths and Family (Pressure from family)
  10. Youths and Family Problems
  11. Youths and Social Media
  12. Youths and Negative Labelling
  13. Youths and Insecurity
  14. Youths and Desperate Migration
  15. Youths and Depression
  16. Youths and Cultism/occultism
  17. Youths and gangsterism
  18. Youths and Sexuality
  19. Youths and Sexual Abuse
  20. Youths and Rejection
  21. Youths and Homelessness
  22. Youths and Drug abuse
  23. Youths and Obesity
  24. Youths and Consummersism/Materialism
  25. Youhs and Body Image
How To Submit Your Abstract/Chaper

Interested authours/contributors should please send abstracts and full papers as email attachments to (with copies to, Chapter preparation format is Time New Romans 12 single line spacing. Abstract should be about 150 words and full chapter should be 5,000 and 7, 000 words.


The deadline for submission of abstract is 30th April, 2021. It is however noteworthy that review and acceptance will be on rolling and continuous basis. Once sufficient excellent chapters are received on proposed themes/topics (above), no more chapters will be received/accepted on the themes/chapters. Abstracts and chapters should normally include proposed title of chapters, name/s, functional email addresses and institutional affiliations of author/s. Submission of abstracts and full chapters are now open.

Previous Edited Books/Co-Edited Books:
  1. Corruption and Development in Nigeria (Routledge). July, 2021
  2. The Development of Africa: Issues, Diagnosis and Prognosis (Springer Publishing)
  3. Contemporary Development Issues in (U.K: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). 2015
  4. Kinship Networks and International Migration in (U.K: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). 2013.
  5. Sociological Theory for African Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. 2013.
  6. Essentials of Sociology. Ibadan: Ibadan University (Nigeria). 2013.
About The Editor

 Ọláyínká Àkànle (PhD).

Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria & Research Associate, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Contact number: +234-8136695268

Email addresses:,,

Author biography: Dr Olayinka Akanle is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is also a Research Associate in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) in Social Policy, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa (UNISA), South Africa. He has won other scholarly awards like being a World Social Science Fellow (WSSF) of The International Social Science Council (ISSC), Paris, France, Laureate of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar Senegal and University of Ibadan, Nigeria Postgraduate School Prize for scholarly publication awardee. He is a scholar and an expert on Social Policy, Development Sociology, Childs and Youths Studies, Inequality, International Migration, Sociological Practice and Sustainable Development. Dr. Akanle has attended many local and international scholarly conferences and has published widely in local and international journals, books, technical reports and encyclopedia. His works have appeared in Current Sociology, Journal of Anthropological Research, Human Affairs, Journal of Developing Societies, Africa, Africa Today, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, International Sociology, Current Sociology and International Journal of Sociology among others. He is the co- editor of The Development of Africa: Issues, Diagnosis and Prognosis (Springer Publishing).


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