Social Movement Frontiers
Social Movement Frontiers: countermovements, repression and culture.
Deadline for the submission: 21/06/2020
José Eduardo Leon Szwako, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos (IESP-UERJ).
Matheus Mazzilli Pereira, Universidade Vila Velha (UVV),
Monika Dowbor, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos).
Information for authors and submission:
This special number seeks to discuss the dynamics of collective action and contentious politics focusing on the relations between social movements and the reactions from countermovements, political repression, as well as the emergence of the so-called “collectives” in contemporary times. In recent years, the meanings and effects mobilization in Brazil have been multiple, contradictory and ambiguous. On the one hand, conservative activism mobilized in opposition to progressive movements has become recurrent, visible and influential phenomena in the Brazilian political reality, but not only in it. On the other hand, the emergence of the so-called “collectives” puts in a new key the issue of culture, subjectivity and the arts on the social movement research agenda. During this period, new technologies and strategies to repress political activism were also developed in a scenario marked by the holding of mega sporting events and the growth of conservatism in political institutions. Faced with the analytical challenges imposed by this changing reality, this special number intends to bring together papers that allow broadening the frontiers of the debate around social movements, whether with a greater emphasis on countermovements, cultural movements and political repression or with an emphasis on relations and approximations between them.
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