Protest and Resistance in Contemporary Democracies

Protest and Resistance in Contemporary Democracies

San Diego State University
June 23-25, 2022

Join us for the next Mobilization-SDSU conference on Protest and Resistance in Contemporary Democracies June 23-25, 2022!

We are planning a major international conference of social movement scholars to celebrate twenty-five years of publication for Mobilization on June 23-25, 2022. Previous conferences confirm the usefulness of smaller, collegial gatherings of engaged scholars in our filed. This time we also are aiming to celebrate twenty-five years of Mobilization’s contributions to our field of research. We will ponder where we have come from and where we are headed, theoretically and methodologically. We invite everyone to attend, from established scholars to our field’s newest innovators and thinkers. The theme is protest and resistance in contemporary democracies—a topic broad enough that a place for your current research awaits. Please plan to join us next year for a collegial and engaging gathering, plus a celebration of Mobilization’s silver anniversary.

Call for Papers

Plenary sessions will be arranged to explore two compelling questions: How do the current challenges to democratic institutions affect nonviolent resistance and social movement mobilization? And what can we learn from other democracies in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, and elsewhere? Open sessions will, as usual, cover a wide range of topics in our field, and will be organized thematically depending on submissions. To reserve your place, submit an abstract and formally register by the deadline, and commit to a completed paper by the conference. Our vision is an informal and friendly space for researchers in the social movements/contentious politics field to gather annually and discuss their work.

  • Strategies of nonviolent resistance
  • Trends in social movement theory
  • The analysis of contemporary movements
  • Social media and digital technologies
  • Tactical variation and movement outcomes
  • Crossnational and historical analysis of protest movements
  • Collective identity and identity movements
  • State social control and surveillance
  • And more, depending on submissions

Abstracts are due February 1, 2022.

You are welcome to contact Mobilization’s publication office directly if you have any questions:

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