Master of Global Politics and Transpacific Studies
The University of Guadalajara and the Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH)
Open Call 2022-2024
Master of Global Politics and Transpacific Studies (GP&TPS)
By the Department of Pacific Studies
Program in English
The Master of Global Politics and Trans-Pacific Studies (GP&TPS) is a two-year graduate program with a global perspective that focuses on transpacific studies. The main objective is the formation of professionals with the skills needed to enable them to work in multicultural societies, to contribute to the creation of knowledge about the complex political, social and economic relations of the modern global environment, and to provide solutions to local problems from a global perspective. Faculty is conformed by highly recognized academic-specialists.
The GP&TPS is incorporated to the High Quality Graduate Programs Roster of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT).
Objectives and goals
Among the objectives that the Master of Global Politics and Transpacific Studies aims to fulfill, through a commitment with excellence and with ethical and professional values, is the formation of:
- Students willing to explore different knowledge fields, with a particular focus on transpacific studies.
- Professionals with the tools they need to work in the public and private sector and to contribute to the benefit of the global society.
- Academics willing to pursue a career in teaching and research, with the aim of contributing to the education of future generations.
Likewise, it will be searched:
- To consolidate the international scope of the University of Guadalajara through an English-language graduate program.
- To strengthen the relationship of the University with other educational centers in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly with China, Japan and North America.
Lines of Research and/or Application of Knowledge (LGAC):
- China
- Japan
- North America
Admission profile:
The Master in Global Politics and Transpacific Studies is aimed at academics and professionals interested in studying global processes and relationships, particularly transpacific relationships, from a broad perspective of international events and historical junctures. Applicants must be able to critically analyze information from all types of national and international sources, including governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research centers, etc.
Admission requirements:
- A copy of the bachelor’s degree diploma or provisional degree certificate, preferably in Social and/or Economic Administrative Sciences.
- Official evidence of having obtained an average grade of at least eighty percent in previous university studies (the certificate or document must show the study plan and the grades obtained for each course).
- English certificate Level B2, not older than two years:
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
- TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)
- CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced)
- A letter of intent, in English, (600 words maximum) stating the personal, academic and professional motivations of the applicant.
- Curriculum Vitae (no longer than two pages) with supporting documents.
- Copy of birth certificate.
- Copy Copy of Federal Professional License.
- Copy of CURP (for Mexicans).
- Copy of official identification.
- 2 letters of academic and/or professional recommendation (sent by the writer to the master’s e-mail address) containing:
- Complete information of the applicant.
- Complete information of the person who recommends de applicant (University or Company for which he or she works, Telephone and Email).
- Reasons that make the applicant a good candidate for the master’s program.
- Medical Certificate of good health.
- Research project:
- An essay no longer than 5 pages (excluding the cover and the references) proposing, in English, a research topic for the master’s thesis. It must justify the project by explaining the relevance of the topic and the problems to be addressed and include the research question and hypothesis.
A. Documents Submission:
- The documents will be received from October 1st. 2021, until a date to be defined.
B. Curricular evaluation:
- Dates to be confirmed.
- The candidates who meet the requirements will be notified in time so that they can continue with the admission process.
C. Ceneval Examination EXANI III®
- The applicants are required to present a Ceneval Examination EXANI III® that will be applied at the University of Guadalajara on a date to be confirmed. For students whose native language is English, they must present the Graduate Record Examination® (GRE) (the minimum scores will be determined by the Academic Board).
D. Interview in English with members of the Academic Board.
- Dates to be confirmed.
E. Publication of results
- Dates to be confirmed.
F. Start of the courses.
- August 11
Accepted applicants will be nominated to receive a CONACYT scholarship, only if they meet the requirements established in the corresponding call. The number of scholarships to be allocated will be subject to the availability of the CONACYT budget. The order of priority will be determined based on the hierarchy resulting from the admission process scores.
Further Information:
Social Networks:
Coordination Office of the Master of GP&TPS
University Center of Social Sciences and Humanities Belenes (CUCSH)
Av. Parres Arias 150, Esq. Periférico Norte
Building F4, First Floor, CP 45188 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Official Website:
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