Handbook on Feminist Approaches to Women’s Violence

Handbook on Feminist Approaches to Women’s Violence Call for Titles and Abstracts

Editors: Stacy Banwell, Lynsey Black, Dawn Cecil, Yanyi Djamba, Sitawa Kimuna, Emma Milne, Lizzie Seal, Eric Tenkorang

Please email a maximum 300-word abstract by 31 March 2021 to Handbook Overview

The editors are compiling a Handbook on Feminist Approaches to Womens Violence. We are now encouraging potential contributors to submit abstracts for consideration which relate to this area of research.

It is our intention that the Handbook will encompass a wide conceptualisation of violence, including perspectives that look at the question structurally, symbolically, and relationally. In taking this comprehensive approach, we intend the Handbook to make a significant theoretical contribution to how women’s violence is understood.

We are seeking chapters that consider women’s violence across the world and the text will incorporate, but also look beyond, Europe and North America. We are also interested in work from across disciplines: arts, humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary work.

Indicative Themes

We invite contributions related to the below themes. These are broad indicative themes only, and we are interested in all dimensions related to approaches to women’s violence, including theoretical and empirical work which explores this area. We are also interested in research that focuses on criminal justice and social responses, as well as women’s experiences, victim’s experiences, and ‘explanations’ of women’s violence.

  • Historical perspectives
  • Motherhood
  • Intimate violence
  • Political violence
  • Structural violence
  • Women as victim-perpetrators
  • Environmental harms and violence against non-human animals
  • Media and literary representations and Cultural Criminology

It is anticipated that approximately 6,000-word chapters (inc. refs) would be due 31 Oct 2021. Please email submissions and questions to:


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