Global Environment Outlook Review Editing Analytical Database

Dear world-leading experts,

UNEP’s solutions-focused seventh Global Environment Outlook is now calling for peer reviewers to review the draft report. Peer reviewers will be able to provide written comments on the whole draft report, the chapter(s) assigned to them or other chapters that they would like to review. 

Please consult the invitation letter from UNEP’s Early Warning and Assessment Division Director and the assessment co-chairs which outlines the terms of reference for peer reviewers, the assessment scoping document [link here] and the GEO-7 story [link to video and press release here] if you would like to be a part of the most ambitious, innovative and solutions-focused GEO yet.

To apply, we kindly request that you include your details and upload your CV on the review portal at the following web address: by clicking on ‘Reviewer’ and then ‘Apply’ before 22 December 2023, to facilitate an effective peer reviewer selection process.  This selection process will consider expertise, geographic and gender balance across the selected peer reviewers.

In case of any difficulties, please let us know through


Welcome to the Review Editing Analytical Database of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-READ). The GEO reports are the United Nations Environment Programme’s flagship assessments, published periodically, as well as generating multiple thematic, regional, and audience-specific assessments.

GEO-READ supports and enhances the rigor, credibility, and transparency of the assessment’s review process. It also provides review editors and other stakeholders with various analytical tools to guide and supplement their work as they analyse the large numbers of comments provided by peer and government-nominated reviewers. This digitizing of the review process responds to the UN Secretary General’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ by fostering increased digital cooperation through a new governance and administrative model for GEO, and is an example of UNEP’s ongoing digital transformation.

The system provides different services and privileges to different users, whether they are report authors, reviewers, review editors, members of GEO advisory boards, or members of the GEO secretariat. If you would like to learn more about the capabilities of the system, please consult one of the following video tutorials, or click here to download the full manual.

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