The evolution of the social world


Vol. 2 of the Biosocial World series

Edited by Juan R. Coca University of Valladolid, Soria, Spain.

The social sciences in general and the sociology in particular, have for years seen the importance of biological knowledge as a necessary complement to social knowledge. In this sense, the study of the evolution of the social in its different spheres is of special interest.

In this book we want to delve into this perspective in a plural and open way. For this reason, we would like to publish empirical and theoretical texts, and even studies that investigate the social future. For this reason, we have entitled this collective work THE EVOLUTION OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. As we have said, we believe that research perspectives and approaches can be broad and plural, as long as they are concerned with delving into the different evolutionary mechanisms of the great social system.

In this sense, we do not circumscribe ourselves to any epistemological current, nor to any ethical or political current. All quality contributions will be taken into account.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 29 October 2021,
  • Manuscript submission deadline: 28 February 2022,
  • Final acceptance: before 31 May 2022.

The contributions must be sent to


Biosocial World is a scientific collection about biosemiotics and biosociology published by the University of Valladolid. The aim of this collection is to improve both research lines and to be an international reference in these fields. Therefore, Biosocial World particularly accepts papers from biology, sociology, philosophy, and philology, as well as papers following the editorial policy of this collection from other areas.

The Editorial Team must ensure: a) all published research papers have been evaluated by at least two subject specialists; b) that the review process has been fair and impartial. The method of peer review is the most appropriate for the scientific community. When one of the two reviews is negative, a third review will be requested.

Persons who submit a manuscript for review may suggest the names of up the three specialists as peer reviewers. The Editorial Team reserves the right to decide whether to accept or decline these suggestions, and is not required to communicate their decision to the authors.

The authors must ensure that all submitted manuscripts are original and unpublished. The Editorial Team, during the peer review process, will take the due precautions to verify originality and to detect plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant publication defined as the complete copy, partial copy or altered copy of work published by the same author in such a way as to make the work appear different.

The Editorial Team must also take appropriate measures to detect data falsification or manipulation. In addition, contents that have undergone peer review must be clearly identified. The Editorial Team must recognize the value of and acknowledge the input of all those involved in the review of manuscripts submitted to the series. In addition Team members should encourage academic authorities to acknowledge peer review activities as part of the scientific process, and should decline to use reviewers who submit reports that are of poor quality, erroneous or disrespectful, or that are delivered after the agreed deadline.


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