Contingency in Revolutions
Call for Papers
Events, Processes, and Outcomes 21-22 September 2022
All Souls College, University of Oxford (hybrid event) Ivan Ermakoff and Anne Wolf
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 28 February 2022
On 17 December 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi, a fruit vendor in the Tunisian city of Sidi Bouzid, set himself on fire, an event that acted as a catalyst for the Arab Uprising. Instances of self- immolation were, in fact, not uncommon in Tunisia, given the people’s severe plight under the repressive regime of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. But they rarely made the news. This time was different, however: Bouazizi’s self-immolation set in motion a wave of protests that took a momentum of its own, spread to the wider region, and led to the fall of Ben Ali and several other long-term dictators. Commentators and analysts have not failed to point out the discrepancy in scope between this individual act of despair and the upheavals it triggered. In this respect, they suggest, the Arab Uprisings should be viewed as contingent.
How can we identify, study, and theorize contingency in revolutionary episodes? What exactly do we mean when we characterize revolutionary events, processes or outcomes as “contingent”? The purpose of this workshop will be to tackle these questions in light of in- depth empirical studies of specific periods, happenings or conjunctures. Our aim is to foster an interdisciplinary and methodological dialogue drawing on the contributions of political science, sociology, area studies, history, and international relations. Analyses of any methodological stripe will therefore be welcome.
Submission Guidelines:
Proposals should be sent to, including:
- Paper title and a 500-word abstract
- CV including a list of relevant publications.
- Please indicate whether you would need travel/accommodation funds.
Proposals must be submitted by 15 February 2022. Accepted participants will be asked to send complete papers (c.7000 words) by August 15, 2022.
Travel and Accommodation:
The workshop will be a hybrid event, which means that participants can take part either on site or remotely. When applying, please indicate your preferred mode of participation.
Some funding is available for accommodation and travel expenses. We request that participants apply to their home institutions first, and, if this is not possible, we will seek to provide a partial re-imbursement subject to availability of funds. Those participating will be informed of how much we can reimburse before they make a final commitment to attend.
The conveners of the workshop are Ivan Ermakoff and Anne Wolf ( and it will take place at All Souls College, University of Oxford.
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