Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2020

The 25th edition of Alternative Futures and Popular Protest will take place on 6-8th April 2020 at the University of Manchester.

AFPP is an international, cross-disciplinary conference on social movements, protest and cognate topics. It has drawn participants from over 60 countries, whether based in departments of sociology, politics, cultural studies, psychology, economics, history, geography or elsewhere. Discussions are marked by a long-established spirit of collegial and comradely participation, making for a friendly meeting ground between academia and activism.

We invite offers of papers relevant to the broad conference theme. Papers might address such matters as:

  • contemporary or historical social movements and protests from any global region
  • theories of social movements, labour movements and revolution
  • utopias, experiments in alternative living and everyday politics
  • ideologies, imaginaries and strategies of collective action
  • opposition to discrimination by race, class, gender and so on
  • confrontations with capitalism, patriarchy or coloniality

To offer a paper, please send a title, abstract (max 300 words) and 4-6 keywords to the organisers at including ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION’ in the email subject field.

If your abstract is accepted we will also ask you to supply a written paper in advance of the conference, which will be distributed to all participants in advance. Ideally, this would take the form of a fully-referenced working paper, of 6-8,000 words in length in MS Word .docx, Adobe .pdf or compatible format. However, some speakers have submitted different kinds of documents in the past (e.g. extended notes; powerpoint slideshows and so on). We are open to the submission of such documents instead of a working paper as long as they successfully communicate the main argument and evidence base for your paper to a scholarly audience and without the need for specialist software.

  • Receipt of abstracts: Monday 16th December 2019. We aim to respond by 13th January 2020.
  • Conference registration: Monday 2nd March 2020
  • Receipt of full papers: Monday 16th March 2020

These are final dates. The earlier we receive abstracts, and actual papers, the better.


The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 6th April until after lunch on Wednesday 8th April 2019 at The Manchester Meeting Place, Sackville St, Manchester M1 3AL. Lunches will be provided on three days and we will invite participation in social gatherings on the Monday and Tuesday evenings. Fees are yet to be confirmed – we will circulate further details during November.

Further information from the conference website:

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