45 reunión anual de la Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) en San Diego, California
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Deadline for submissions: March 17.
October 9 – 12, 2013 — San Diego, California
Town and Country Resort and Convention Center
The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) invites submissions for its 2013 conference in San Diego, California. There is no predetermined theme for the 4S conference. Individual abstracts and proposals for sessions should emphasize how they will make original and timely contributions to any theme relevant to science and technology studies (STS).
The 4S conference welcomes papers, session proposals, and events that are innovative in their delivery, organization, range of topics, type of public, and which bring new resources to the STS community to explore these new relations and themes. Apart from traditional research papers, the 4S conference also welcomes proposals for sessions and papers using ‘new media’ or other forms of new presentation. This year we plan to hold special sessions on movies and videos where the main item submitted will be a movie or video. We plan to have a room dedicated to showing of movies. Movies of variable length can be submitted.
Each participant in the conference will be limited to only one paper or movie presentation and one other activity (such as session chair or discussant but not a second paper) for a maximum of two appearances.
Submission Process
Submit paper/movie abstracts and session proposals now athttp://convention2.allacademic.com/one/ssss/4s13/. Please note, the submission site uses a separate database from the 4S membership/registration systems. All presenters, including those included in session proposals, must have a user accounts with the submission system. Submitters can create accounts on behalf of their co-authors and session participants, if necessary. Anyone who has participated in a 4S meeting in the last five years should already have a user account. Please avoid creating duplicate accounts.
Paper and movie abstracts should be up to 250 words. They should include the main arguments, methodology, and their contribution to the STS literature. The title of papers should be up to 10 words. Please list five key words to assist the program chair to group individual papers into a session. In addition, identify the most suitable categories for the paper (e.g. environment, information communication technologies, gender studies, science policy, etc.). Paper submitters may optionally nominate their paper to one or two «Open Panels,» session topics that have been proposed by other participants. Descriptions of the Open Panels can be found at http://www.4sonline.org/open_sessions
Session proposals should be up to 250 words. They should contain a summary and rationale for the session, as well as a brief discussion of its contribution to STS. Session proposals should be organized around one-and-half-hour time slots. A typical session will contain five papers or four papers with a discussant. A minimum of three complete paper abstracts are required in order to submit a session proposal. The organizer can add additional papers to the session up until the submission deadline. After the deadline, the program chair may assign additional papers to proposed sessions with fewer than five papers. Each paper abstract in the proposed session should be up to 250 words. The title of papers should be up to 10 words. Each presenter in the session must have a user account with the submission system that includes name, affiliation, and contact information. Session organizers can create user accounts on behalf of their authors, if necessary.
Conference Highlights
The conference will begin on Wednesday evening with the Opening Plenary, followed by a reception. All 4S participants are encouraged to attend, to mingle and to converse.
The sessions will officially begin on Thursday at 9:00 am and end on Saturday evening.
Friday evening will include the 4S Presidential Plenary, followed by a reception and the Annual Awards Banquet.
There will be three ‘Author Meets Critic’ sessions.
Important Dates
- December 3, 2012: Submission opens for open panels
- January 6, 2013: Submission closes for open panels
- January 23,2013: Submission opens
- March 17, 2013: Deadline for submissions of individual papers, session proposals and movies/videos.
- May 12, 2013: Acceptance notification.
- May 13 – July 28, 2013: Early registration.
- August 18, 2013: Preliminary program posted.
- September X, 2013: Last day to book a room at the Town and Country Resort and Convention Center to get the reduced rate. We recommend early booking since room availability is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
- September 1, 2013: All presenters must register to be included in the final program. For papers with more than one author, one presenter must register to be included in the final program.
- September 22, 2013: Final program posted.
The 4S is the oldest and largest scholarly association devoted to studying science, technology and society. The annual meeting attracts over 1,000 scholars. Many attendees look forward to the book exhibit for finding new books for class, for their research, and for staying current in the field. Visit the Exhibitors page for information on how to participate. http://www.4sonline.org/meeting/exhibitors
Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program has become a popular part of the 4S conference. The goal of the program is to exchange ideas with junior scholars and support their career development. A mentoring relationship assumes a minimum of one conversation at the 4S conference. It is hoped that mentoring relationships will also continue with at least two follow-up phone calls or emails during the following 12 months. We will match new scholars with more experienced scholars and make an effort to assign mentors outside of one’s university. We hope that the mentoring project will allow new scholars to feel more at home in the STS community.
Visit the Mentorship Program registration page for more information and to sign up:http://www.4sonline.org/meeting/mentorship_program
Travel Support for Students
Please consult the travel grants page for more information.
Conference Location & Lodging
Town and Country Resort and Convention Center (www.towncountry.com/ )
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, California 92108
Tel: (619) 291-7131
Fax: (619) 291-3584
Reservations: 1-800-77-ATLAS or 1-800-772-8527
Town and Country Resort & Convention, comprising 32 acres, is next to the 27-hole Riverwalk Golf Club. The University of San Diego, Presidio Park, and the San Diego Zoo are within two miles of this resort. Ocean Beach is five miles away and SeaWorld San Diego is 4 miles away.
Light Rail Trolley Just a short stroll from the Town and Country Resort Hotel will take you to the San Diego Trolley pick-up. The trolley is a great way to get around San Diego when you’re sightseeing, shopping, or going to specific events. Travel by trolley to the Gaslamp Quarter, Old Town, Downtown San Diego, the Convention Center and Seaport Village. You can also reach San Diego’s sporting event venues – Qualcomm Stadium, Petco Park, San Diego State and Viejas Arena by trolley.
Travel to San Diego
By Air
- San Diego International Airport (SAN), sometimes called Lindbergh Field, is conveniently located near downtown, and most major airlines fly to it.
By Train
- Amtrak , Station Building (with waiting room), 1050 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101
By Bus
- Greyhound Bus Station, 120 W Broadway (between 1st Ave & Front St), San diego, CA 92101
By Car
- Take I-5 from Los Angeles and northern California, I-15 from Las Vegas, and I-8 from Phoenix.
Directions to our San Diego Resort Hotel
Interstate 8 East (El Centro)
Take 2nd Hotel Circle Exit and turn left going under the overpass.
Interstate 8 West (Beaches)
Exit Hotel Circle and turn right.
Interstate 5 North or South
Exit onto Interstate 8 East (El Centro) and exit 2nd Hotel Circle exit, turn left continuing under the overpass.
Interstate 805 North or South
Interstate 15 North or South & Hwy 163. Exit onto Interstate 8 West (Beaches), exit Hotel Circle and turn right.
Contact Info
The meeting “home page” is at http://www.4sonline.org/meeting.
For general meeting information and any questions about the program, contact the Program Chair, Roli Varma , University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Telephone: 1-505-2777756].
For technical assistance with the submission or registration process, contact the 4S Webmaster.
Calls for Participation in Open Sessions, 2013
1. Economical Medicalization
2. Neurotechnologies, Neuroethics, and Neuro-identities
3. Politics of Sustainable EnergyTransitions
4. Lessons Learned from the L’Aquila Earthquake Trial
5. STS Perspectives on Parenting
6. Postcolonialism(s) and STS
7. Comedo Ergo Sum: The Role of Science and Technology in Food and Eating
8. Is Resistance Futile? Adventures in Resisting the Big Data Bandwagon (or Assimilating, If You Must)
9. Representation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective?
10. Techno-medicine: Exploring Structural Constraints and Agentive Possibilities
11. The Tangled Genetic Web: (Re)Defining Families, Kinship and Culture through Technologies
12. Experts-in-Training: Professional Socialization in Medicine & STEM
13. Creating Knowledge and Technologies at the Fringe
14. Evaluating the Quality of Public Deliberation on S & T
15. Social and Ethical Implications of Evolutionary Science
16. Social Studies of Social Science
17. Feminism and Media Infrastructures
18. In Search of “lines of Fights” in / to / for / by Latin America and Elsewhere
19. School Food & Science: Examining Histories, Transformations, and Tensions in School Foodscapes.
20. Academic Conference Cultures and Presentation Practices
21. Reopening the Black Box of Academic Journals
22. Disaster STS: Geographies, Methodologies, Interventions
23. The Spatial Turn in STS
24. Making Sense of Sound: Listening in Work and Everyday Life Practice
25. Religion and Science at the Sidelines: Minority Faiths’ Confrontation with the Evolution Controversy
26. Contradictory Collaborations: Science, Nature and the Postcolonial State in the making of Environmental Crises
27. Competition and Collaboration in Scientific Research – Revisited
28. Taste and the Everyday Governance of Food Consumption
29. Revisiting Embodiment and Materiality in Ethnography of Sciences and Technologies
30. Affect, Emotion, and Digital Media
31. Defining “Safety”: Constructions of Safe Food, Water and the Environment
32. STS Interventions into Invention, Innovation, and Diffusion for Engineering Education
33. Money, Credit, Value: Devices, Practices and Modes of Knowing, Sensing and Making the ‘Economic’
34. Machine Learning Worlds: Politics and Practices
35. Critical Making: Material Practices, Design, and STS
36. Sound Practices: Expert Ways of Listening in and Sounding Out
37. Big Picture, Small Things
38. Sound Technology & Practice
39. Creating Dialogues in Science Communication: Methodology and Practices
40. STS: What are we missing?
41. STS and Social Inequality: The Role of Gender, Race and Class in Career
42. Contextual Perspectives on STS as Intervention and Critical Participations
43. State Multiplicity, Performativity and Materiality: Current STS Research on State and Stateness
44. The Cloud and the Crowd
45. Doing Research, Meddling with Power. On the Contradictory Engagements of STS with Politics and Normativities.
Visitar el siguiente enlace para ver las bases y características de cada mesa
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