15th conference of the European Sociological Association
Abstract submission for the ESA 2021 conference is open.
Scroll down for the Call for Papers, published in December 2020.
- Please DO NOT send us a full copy of your paper (neither before nor after the conference).
- Abstracts sent by email cannot be accepted.
- Authors are invited to submit their abstract either to a Research Network (RN), a Joint Session (JS), a Research Stream (RS) or a Semi-Plenary (SP). Note that:
- submitters of a SP abstract must hold a PhD (set date: 15 February 2021).
- all accepted abstracts not selected for the SP will be switched to the organising RN.
- Each participant can submit and present one paper as first author.
- The submitting author will be considered the presenting author.
- All submitting/presenting authors can be second author of one more paper.
- Abstracts should:
- not exceed 250 words.
- be submitted in English. The only exception to this rule is RS02: A New Normality For a New Europe, which accepts submissions in Spanish.
- Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation by the RN/RS/SP coordinators.
- The ESA membership is not mandatory, except for RN/RS/SP coordinators and session chairs as well as all RN board members and the ESA Executive Committee. Note that ESA members benefit from reduced conference fees!
Abstract submission platform
Abstract submission deadline 15th of February 2021
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