Etiqueta: Movimientos Sociales

Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe
0 veces compartido973 vistas
0 veces compartido973 vistas

Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe

Laura Gutiérrez - Mar 04, 2022

Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe Edited By Maria Brown, Michael Briguglio Book Description This volume is the first of its kind to discuss social welfare issues…

Reimagining our Worlds from Below
0 veces compartido856 vistas
0 veces compartido856 vistas

Reimagining our Worlds from Below

Laura Gutiérrez - Mar 02, 2022

Reimagining our Worlds from Below: Transnational Conversations on Resistance, Movements, and Transformations May 18-21, 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has made more evident persistent, systemic inequalities that are…

Doctoral Student in Sociology, Social Movements & Climate Change
0 veces compartido913 vistas
0 veces compartido913 vistas

Doctoral Student in Sociology, Social Movements & Climate Change

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 18, 2022

Reference No. 2022/026. The working group of “Sociology & Social Movements” as part of the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” invites applications for a doctoral…

Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2022
0 veces compartido2109 vistas1
0 veces compartido2109 vistas1

Premio Cátedra Jorge Alonso 2022

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 15, 2022

El Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social y la Universidad de Guadalajara Convocan a las y los egresados de posgrados en el año 2021…

Beyond Repression. Social Control of Protest and Participation in Illiberal Times
0 veces compartido834 vistas
0 veces compartido834 vistas

Beyond Repression. Social Control of Protest and Participation in Illiberal Times

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 01, 2022

Call for papers for a panel “Beyond Repression. Social Control of Protest and Participation in Illiberal Times” Panel chairs: Thomas Chevallier Postdoc Research Fellow IRISSO – Université…

The Resignification of Political Mobilization and Participation
0 veces compartido919 vistas
0 veces compartido919 vistas

The Resignification of Political Mobilization and Participation

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 01, 2022

The Resignification of Political Mobilization and Participation During and After the Covid-19 pandemic Abstract The last two years have seen social movements and political participation put to…

Societal Conflicts: Collective Action in an Unequal World
0 veces compartido840 vistas
0 veces compartido840 vistas

Societal Conflicts: Collective Action in an Unequal World

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 14, 2021

Classical conflict theories often understand conflict as a universal feature of society. But there is variation. Over the last decades, in different countries and continents, we have…

The Struggle for Housing Justice
0 veces compartido893 vistas
0 veces compartido893 vistas

The Struggle for Housing Justice

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 08, 2021

COUNCIL FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES SOCIAL MOVEMENTS RESEARCH NETWORK PRE-CONFERENCE Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Universidade de Lisboa), Lisbon, Portugal June 27-28, 2022 Call for Papers The Struggle for…

Tres plazas de investigador (a) en el tema de Sustentabilidad
Oportunidades de trabajo
0 veces compartido2914 vistas
Oportunidades de trabajo
0 veces compartido2914 vistas

Tres plazas de investigador (a) en el tema de Sustentabilidad

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 08, 2021

Programa de Renovación de la Planta Académica de la UNAM Subprograma de Incorporación de Jóvenes Académicos de Carrera a la UNAM (SIJA) Invitación para ser contratado(a) como…

Democracy and social movements in the world
0 veces compartido983 vistas
0 veces compartido983 vistas

Democracy and social movements in the world

Laura Gutiérrez - Nov 22, 2021

La línea de investigación “Gobernabilidad, democracia y procesos sociopolíticos en América Latina” invita a su Ciclo de conferencias magistrales: Pensar la política y las sociedades contemporáneas desde…