Etiqueta: Movimientos Sociales

Participation and Mobilisation
0 veces compartido1584 vistas
0 veces compartido1584 vistas

Participation and Mobilisation

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 11, 2020

ECPR General Conference – Innsbruck – 26-28 August 2020 Current Research and Challenges on Political Participation and Mobilization Section Chair Alice Mattoni Università di Bologna Section Co-Chair…

Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis
0 veces compartido829 vistas
0 veces compartido829 vistas

Social Movement Networks in Times of Crisis

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 10, 2020

ECPR General Conference University of Innsbruck, Austria 26 – 28 August 2020 Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Political Networks Abstract The Political Networks Section aims to provide…

9th Annual Radical Democracy Conference
0 veces compartido806 vistas
0 veces compartido806 vistas

9th Annual Radical Democracy Conference

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 10, 2020

The New School for Social Research, New York Friday, April 10th - Saturday, April 11th, 2020  Call for Papers “Radical Ecologies” EXTENDED DEADLINE: February 15, 2020 The…

III Workshop: Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones
0 veces compartido2291 vistas
0 veces compartido2291 vistas

III Workshop: Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones

Laura Gutiérrez - Feb 05, 2020

III Workshop Internacional: Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México) Universidad autónoma Metropolitana, Casa Rafael Galván, Ciudad de México. 19 al 24 de octubre de…

Posición de posdoctorado en INAP, Chile
Oportunidades de trabajo
0 veces compartido4757 vistas
Oportunidades de trabajo
0 veces compartido4757 vistas

Posición de posdoctorado en INAP, Chile

Laura Gutiérrez - Ene 08, 2020

LLAMADO A CONCURSO POSICIÓN DE POSTDOCTORADO 2020 I. Presentación El Instituto de Asuntos Públicos (INAP) de la Universidad de Chile invita a académicos/as nacionales y extranjeros que…

3rd PhD Workshop Social Movements
0 veces compartido1115 vistas
0 veces compartido1115 vistas

3rd PhD Workshop Social Movements

Laura Gutiérrez - Ene 08, 2020

About this PhD Workshop The aim of the ISA RC48 PhD Workshop is to invite international PhD students working in the field of social movements to discuss…

Summer Institute for Early-Career Scholars
0 veces compartido941 vistas
0 veces compartido941 vistas

Summer Institute for Early-Career Scholars

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 09, 2019

Overview The SSRC’s Religion and the Public Sphere Program, with support from the Henry Luce Foundation, will host a Religion and the Public Sphere Summer Institute for Early-Career…

Ecology of social movements
0 veces compartido1435 vistas
0 veces compartido1435 vistas

Ecology of social movements

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 09, 2019

Ecology of social movements (week-long version) 4 to 11 de april 2020 A space to think critically, to ask challenging and transformative questions, and find deeper inspiration…

Conference On Capitalism & Contention
0 veces compartido1105 vistas
0 veces compartido1105 vistas

Conference On Capitalism & Contention

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 06, 2019

The goal of this conference is to facilitate dialogue and debate among scholars and students who are working at the intersection of political economy and social movement…

Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2020
0 veces compartido1237 vistas
0 veces compartido1237 vistas

Alternative Futures & Popular Protest 2020

Laura Gutiérrez - Dic 06, 2019

The 25th edition of Alternative Futures and Popular Protest will take place on 6-8th April 2020 at the University of Manchester. AFPP is an international, cross-disciplinary conference…