Mexico Civil Society Activity

Request for Applications
Improving the Institutional Capacity and Sustainability of Mexican Intermediary Support Organizations

Dear Prospective Applicant:

The purpose of this announcement is to invite Intermediate Support Organizations (ISOs) to submit applications in response to a Request for Applications (RFA). ISOs are defined as organizations that typically provide technical and/or organizational support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to strengthen their program implementation and/or organizational capacities (also known as 2nd tier organizations). This process is part of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Mexico Civil Society Activity (CSA) being implemented by Social Impact (SI) Inc., in collaboration with partners World Learning, Inc. and Fundación Appleseed. The goal of the activity is to improve the institutional capacity and sustainability of ISOs and CSOs engaged in activities related to crime and violence prevention, criminal justice reform, and human rights in Mexico – through systematic use of the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) model.

All grants awarded under this RFA will be invited to become grantees under the USAID Mexico Civil Society Activity. Subject to the availability of funds, we anticipate awarding up to ten (10) grants to ISOs for a period of up to three (3) years, starting on or about July 1, 2017. Each award is expected to be valuated at approximately USD $750,000 to $1,000,000. As CSA’s focus is geared towards sub-grant implementations, all applicants will be required to program funds for sub-grants with eligible civil society organizations within Mexico. CSA encourages eligible ISOs based and registered in Mexico to submit an application that address the following objectives:

Objective #1: Implement large-scale innovative, collaborative and sustainable projects related to crime and violence prevention, criminal justice reform, and/or human rights in Mexico (particularly, but not limited to, the northern region);
Objective #2: Issue and manage sub-grants to CSOs to implement activities that address crime and violence prevention, criminal justice reform, and/or human rights in Mexico to increase outreach and impact across the country, with emphasis on CSOs and activities outside of Mexico City (particularly, but not limited to, the northern region);
Objective #3: Implement performance improvement strategies to strengthen capacity of sub-grantees to increase their efficiency, effectiveness, outreach and constituents’ satisfaction.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to read the Request for Applications in its entirety. To download the application package please click on the button below.

Full call here

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