IPSA-FLACSO Mexico Summer School 2017

The Summer School will be held in FLACSO Mexico from July 10th to July 21st, 2017. It offers advanced and high quality research methods both quantitative and qualitative. This social sciences training is taught by a renowned team of highly experienced instructors from the United States and Europe.

This is an excellent opportunity for scholars, masters and PhD students to expand their knowledge on social science research methods, discuss research interests and networking.


IPSA’s mission is to promote empirical research in political science and related disciplines around the world. The IPSA-FLACSO Mexico Summer School belongs to the global network of methods programs along with other summer schools hosted at the National University of Singapore, the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and the Middle East Technical University in Turkey.


  • To train current and future scholars in cutting-edge social science methods, including qualitative and quantitative data analysis, as well as research design and research methods.
  • To bring together advanced social science scholars from different countries in such a way as to create broad research networks that can stimulate the exchange of ideas, techniques and advanced methods across disciplinary boundaries.

There are three steps that you have to follow if you want to attend to IPSA Flacso Mexico Summer School: pre-registration, registration and fee. Click here


  • There are two types of payment methods: online, or directly at FLACSO Mexico facilities.
  • The deadline for early fees payment is March 27th, 2017.
  • The deadline for registrations and payment is June 26th, 2017.
  • IPSA will offer two travel grants up to $500 U.S. dollars, each one for doctoral students who don’t live in Mexico. Other scholarships for Mexican students will be announced in the upcoming weeks. Nonetheless, it should be noted that they are also limited.
  • You may apply only for one course, because they are simultaneous
Student General Public
$403 USD  $640 USD


Student General Public
$370 USD $589 USD

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