Call for Papers & Panels: Organised Crime Today. Networks, Routes and Criminal Partnerships

The ECPR Standing Group on Organised Crime, in cooperation with the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath, invites you to the 2nd General Conference of the Standing Group on Organised Crime. The Conference will take place at the University of Bath from 7 to 8 July 2017. Its main theme is ‘Organised Crime Today- Networks, Routes and Criminal Partnerships’.

Submission and deadlines

Proposals for individual papers and panels can be sent to

Please also send a short bio and full contact details.

We invite panels and papers addressing different facets of organised crime which may include but not only:

  1. Gangs, organised crime and mafia
  2. Criminal logistics, organisation, and modus operandi.
  3. Criminal mobility
  4. Politics, corruption, and symbolic power
  5. Organised crime in prisons
  6. Organised crime and the European financial crisis
  7. Freezing, forfeiture, and social reuse of criminal assets
  8. Women and children in criminal and terrorist networks
  9. Public perceptions of organised crime
  10. International and European cooperation in the fight against organised crime
  11. Organised crime, social media and the internet
  12. Big data, crowdsourcing and computational methods
  13. Environmental crime
  14. Modern slavery
  15. Money laundering

Abstracts should be written in English, contain a clear outline of the argument, and, where applicable, methodology and results. Please limit the maximum length of individual abstracts to 400 words. Panel proposals, should consist of up to four individual abstracts, names of panel chair and discussant, and a rationale of about 400 words.  Each panel will last 1.30 hours. Normally sessions will include from 3 to 4 papers, a chair and a discussant. Each presentation will last 15 minute.


Submission of paper and panel abstracts: 20 March 2017

Notification of Acceptance: 1 April 2017

Registration opens: 1 April 2017

Early birds:  30 April 2017

Registration deadline: 1 June 2017

Event fees

Conference fees include participation and lunches/coffee breaks.

ECPR Members                            110 £                                         (100£ early bird)

ECPR Student Members*            90 £                                          (80£ early bird)

Non-ECPR Members                   130 £                                         (120£ early registration)

Non-ECPR Student*                    100 £                                         (90£ early bird)

*Students must send a copy of their student card or a letter from the Head of Department where they are enrolled to the Conference team by 10 April 2017 in order to pay a reduced conference fees.

Registration will take place via the ECPR website. This information will be circulated very soon.

Full call here

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