Plaza en Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats en Barcelona

The Centre for the History of Science (CEHIC) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain, seeks potential candidates for an ICREA senior research position in History of Science. The CEHIC leads an active academic community of historians of science with growing international links.


The call for applications in all disciplines has been issued by ICREA, the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies*. *Applicants are first shortlisted by their future home institution (CEHIC), and the final selection is made by ICREA itself.


Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained before 2009, with four years of international exposure at the post-doctoral level.Only very strong candidates with an outstanding research record and excellent leadership capabilities will be considered. Successful applicants will have a permanent contract with ICREA and will work at the CEHIC (UAB). ICREA researchers have no teaching obligations, and are required to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and have a strong impact in the Catalan research system*.*



Successful candidates will be required to join the host institution no later than September 2014.

Salaries are in line with those of a senior lecturer or a professor. ICREA contracts are permanent, and the positions are not compatible with a part time permanent contract. ICREA research professors are subject to an evaluation of their research progress and general performance after a three-year period and subsequently every five years. The evaluations are carried out by external committees; a positive evaluation leads to a salary increase.


Potential History of Science candidates should contact Dr. Agustí Nieto-Galan [<>], director of the CEHIC, *before 12 April 2013, *including an updated CV and a short statement of research interests for the next five years.


*Shortlisted candidates*will be contacted by the CEHIC no later than *16 April 2013* and will have to submit their dossier to ICREA no later than *6 May 2013*.


For more information on the CEHIC, see


For the ICREA call, see:





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