Towards a Sociology of Hope

The American Sociologist

Volume 54, issue 1, March 2023
Towards a Sociology of Hope

Issue editor: Adrian Scribano

The American Sociologist publishes papers, comments, and other writings on topics of professional and disciplinary concern to sociologists. The contents examine intellectual, practical, and ethical issues affecting the work, careers, and perspectives of sociologists. In addition, the journal encourages research and reporting on ways in which sociological knowledge and skill relate to issues of broad public concern, past, present, and future.

Topics in The American Sociologist include the uses of sociology in academic and nonacademic settings; training, placement, and career paths of sociologists; structural and ideological dimensions affecting the development of new perspectives in the discipline; the ethics of research, teaching, and practice; the application of sociological knowledge and methods in practical problems; the historical and interdisciplinary roots of sociological knowledge; and the contributions of sociologists to professional and public issues.

  • Publishes papers, comments, and other writings on topics of professional and disciplinary concern to sociologists
  • Examines intellectual, practical, and ethical issues affecting the work, careers, and perspectives of sociologists.
  • Encourages research and reporting on ways in which sociological knowledge and skill relate to issues of broad public concern, past, present, and future.
Editor’s Introduction: Hope, Theory and Positive Sociology
Lawrence T. Nichols
Is a Sociology of Hope Possible? An Attempt to Recompose a Theoretical Framework and a Research Programme
Guido Gili & Emiliana Mangone
Founding Women, Sociology, and Hope
Adrian Scribano
Hope in the Sociological Thoughts of some Founding Fathers
Silvana Greco
The Emotions of Hope: From Optimism to Sanguinity, from Pessimism to Despair
Warren TenHouten
Hope and Paradox in Contemporary Chinese Society: A Moment for Cultural Transformation?
LI LinyanCheng Boqing
From Spatial Forms to Perception: Reassessing Georg Simmel’s Theory of Space
Viktor Berger
The Future of Historical Consciousness in Sociology
Anthony Albanese
Habitus and Higher Order Desires: Going Beyond Determinism
Srđan Prodanović
Preregistration and Registered Reports in Sociology: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Other Considerations
Bianca Manago

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