Full-time assistant or associate professor of Sociology



The Department of Sociology of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, housed in the College of Social Sciences, invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.

Applicants are required to hold a PhD in Sociology or other social sciences. They should also demonstrate experience and excellence in teaching and research, including a record of scientific publications in international, peer-reviewed journals relevant to their level. Active participation in public debate (i. e. dissemination of research findings, publication of op-eds, expert consultancy in public organizations), could also be taken into consideration.

The call is broad in terms of thematic specialization, although we are interested in candidates working on sociological theory, economic sociology, sociology of gender, and particularly for applicants working at intersections between some of these subfields.

Professors in our department have teaching, research, and administrative duties. Teaching duties consist of lecturing a total of three courses a year in undergraduate and graduate levels, in addition to guiding thesis of undergraduate, masters and doctoral level students. Research duties include regular publications in peer-reviewed journals and other venues, as well as participation in research projects with competitive funding sources. Administrative duties may range from regular participation in academic committees to, eventually, the direction of the Department.

The workplace is in the San Joaquín Campus (Santiago, Chile). The starting date is July 1st, 2021.

This is an open call for both Chilean and foreign applicants. For foreign applicants, knowledge of the Spanish language is required at the time of application, and fluency is expected from the first year of employment.


Description of the position
Full-time, Assistant or Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology.
Academic profile

The ideal candidate should:

  • Be ready to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Have previous teaching experience.
  • Have an independent and innovative research agenda in sociology, reflected in a competitive record of publications in peer-reviewed journals and/or books, or in a comprehensive portfolio of drafts ready for submission (for candidates starting their academic career).
  • Be willing to perform administrative duties in the Department and University.
  • Be involved in international academic networks.
Application materials

A complete application must include:

1. A research and teaching statement describing:

  • Current research agenda and planned agenda for the next five years.
  • The candidate’s participation in international academic networks.
  • A teaching proposal, including a short description of the courses the applicant would like to teach.

Maximum length: 2,000 words.

2. Full curriculum vitae.

3. Syllabus of courses taught, and teaching evaluation reports during the last three years (if available).

4. A copy of the candidate’s most important academic journal article (in terms of influence and impact), book, book chapter, or drafts ready for submission.

5. Two recommendation letters (which cannot be written by faculty members of our department). Recommenders (not applicants) should send the letter directly to María Consuelo Cheix (

6. Scanned copies of certificates of titles and academic degrees, including the official certificate of the Doctorate or PhD degree (applicants must have already obtained this last degree by the time of being hired, but not necessarily by the time of the application).

Questions about this position may be directed to professor Andrew Webb ( Emails should be sent with subject line: Position in Sociology. Please send the application in digital format to María Consuelo Cheix ( You will receive a confirmation notice soon after the reception of the application. The short-listed candidates will receive further notice to give a job talk in late April.

Application deadline: March 31st, 2021.

After the selected applicant receives and accepts an offer, we will follow the procedures for hiring him/her for a two-year term as Assistant or Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology. After this period, we will examine the relevant conditions for considering a contract renewal.

In 2020, the Department of Sociology at the PUC was ranked 2nd in Latin America. Our Department offers a prestigious undergraduate program, two Master’s programs, and a PhD program (see The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is a leading research institution in the country and Latin America. Located in one of the most exciting cities in the region–Santiago– our Department offers a dynamic setting to live and conduct sociological research. For half a century, our graduates and undergraduates have excelled in academia, the non-profit sector, and in the public service.

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or age.


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