Springer Nature’s Sustainable Development Goals

From diversity initiatives in the corporate world to new public and social policies around migration, attention to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10, Reduced Inequalities, seems to be at an all-time high. Nonetheless, it remains a goal out of easy reach: the COVID-19 pandemic has indeed exacerbated global inequalities, disproportionately impacting less-developed countries and communities of color, deepening gender inequalities, and increasing global unemployment. Even as we publish peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research that approaches these issues from academic and policy points of view, we also work internally to attain a more equal workplace through our Diversity & Inclusion initiatives and employee networks; externally, we participate in projects to help achieve a more equal research landscape, such as our founding membership in Research4Life, collective programme that provides developing countries with free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content online. Aiming to build bridges between research and practice to better achieve SDG 10, Springer Nature has here collected a selection of our publishing related to reducing inequalities.

For this reason we have launched a new hub dedicated to SDG10: Reduced Inequalities, presenting:

  • A special section on ‘Amplifying Black Voices’ that includes our recent Black Lives Matters portal and original articles by our authors
  • A downloadable infographic of SDG10 researchers’ attitudes towards societal impact
  • Topical collections across Springer Nature related to SDG10
  • A selection of relevant books and journals from across our portfolios

Explore now>>

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