Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined

27-29 June 2019
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting
2019 Conference Theme “Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined”¹
At the New School for Social Research, New York City, NY, USA
“Alternatives to Capitalism” Research Network I.

Join our vibrant and interdisciplinary SASE research network “Alternatives to Capitalism” by submitting a paper abstract (max. 1000 words) or a session proposal (up to four presenters + 1 discussant). Depending on space, round table presentations and other alternative proposals may also be possible – if interested, please contact us.

Deadline for SASE submissions: January 28, 2019.  If accepted, full papers due May 15, 2019.

Please submit your proposals using the online system at this link:  submission-and-award-guidelines/

Early career scholars are eligible to apply for the Early Career Workshop. If selected, the conference fee cost, the full conference accommodation and the additional night of accommodation for the Workshop will be covered. More info here:

For grad students presenting in our network, we may have access to reasonably priced accommodation, please check later for more info.

For inquiries regarding the SASE research network I. “Alternatives to Capitalism,” please contact the co-organizers:

Alternatives to Capitalism RN Call for Papers

The recent and yet unresolved Great Recession has revealed just how unjust, inefficient and unsustainable contemporary capitalism has become. This has revitalized public and academic debate about the future of capitalism and the urgent need to envision and enact alternatives that can help tackle the multiple crises that societies are currently facing: high and rising inequality of income and power, eroding democracy, human-induced climate change and environmental destruction.

As income and wealth inequality have intensified within capitalist societies, people’s sense of voice or control over longstanding societal institutions has also diminished. In response, many people across the globe have joined together to create new futures through alternative systems, institutions, organizations and other collectives, and relationships. Our network encourages research and scholarship on such collective efforts to create more transformative, egalitarian, horizontal or non-hierarchical practices, relations, social movements, groups, organizations, and societies. Moreover, our network provides an engaging forum for discussing and envisioning alternatives.

The broad aim of this research network is to advance the international, comparative and interdisciplinary study of alternatives to capitalism and its associated institutions. More specifically, the research network has three goals:

  • To bridge  the  disparate  interpretative  frameworks  that  exist  by  engaging  in  a  theoretical systematization of the literature;
  • To map existing alternatives embedded within various socio-economic and geographic contexts;
  • To encourage the use of innovative research methods that can provide new insights and reach broader

Contributors are invited to investigate and analyse the practices, strategies and discourses being used by different social groups to enhance and exercise social power rooted in the voluntary association of people and based on the capacity to engage in collective action of various sorts.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: cooperatives (worker/producer/consumer) and cooperativism; political and ethical consumerism; eco-villages and sustainable communities; community and practice-based initiatives; the future of work; radical lifestyles; utopias and alternative futures; prefigurative initiatives and prefigurative politics; direct democracy and municipalism; commons and commoning; alternative forms of organisation and governance; anti-capitalist trade unions and political parties; transformative social innovation; alternative media and other forms of alternative social reproduction. We are particularly interested in the ways in which the State and the market interact with these alternatives through mechanisms of facilitation, co-optation, or repression.

¹Submissions may concern either the theme and/or research network interests.


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