Coloquio de Estudios Mexicanos y Japoneses

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre Asia y África
Primer Coloquio Internacional de Estudios Mexicanos y Japoneses


Tuesday, October 16 th, 2018

Venue: José Vasconcelos Auditorium, Teaching Centre for Foreigners (CEPE)

09:00 – 09:45 hrs. Opening

10:00 – 11:20 hrs. Session I: Economics and financial Tools

  • Studies on the riots in Sanya district during the Japanese economic growth n 1960s: Considering Socio-Economic History in Sanya district and Kaji Disuke´s thought. Akira Omino – Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • Negative interest rate and renormalizing monetary policy in U.S. and Japan? Some lessons to emerging economies. Tsuyoshi Yasuhara – Nanzan University.
  • Alejandro Méndez Rodríguez – Institute of Economic Research, UNAM.

11:30 – 12:50 hrs. Session II: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

  • The process of the trade policies of US and the current situation and perspective of the TPP 11. Yasuhiro Tokoro – Meiji University.
  • Melba Falck Reyes – CUCSH, University of Guadalajara.
  • Carlos Reyes – Law Research Institute, UNAM.

13:00 – 14:20 hrs. Session III: La enseñanza de Español a Japoneses

  • El perfil del alumno, sus necesidades y estilo de aprendizaje. José Carlos Escobar – CEPE.
  • Dificultades que enfrenta un estudiante japonés al aprender español. Ricardo Ancira González – CEPE.
  • Algunas consideraciones lingüísticas en la enseñanza de ELE. María de la Luz Munguía Castillo – CEPE.

14:30 – 16:15 hrs. Break

16:30 – 17:50 hrs. SESSION IV: Technological Innovation I

  • Innovation of astronomic observation technologies. Kotaro Kohno – Institute of Astronomy, School of Science – The University of Tokyo.
  • Personal Space Model for Human Computer Interaction. Toshitaka Amaoka – Department of Information Science, Meisei University.
  • Isaac Minian Laniado – Institute of Economic Research, UNAM
  • Ocean energy and environmental protection in Mexico: the CEMIE-Ocean Project. Rodolfo Silva Casarín- Institute of Engineering, UNAM.

18:00 – 19:20 hrs. SESSION V: Technological Innovation II

  • Robotics. Yoshiaki Yamazaki – School of Science and Engineering, Program in Mechanical Engineering, Meisei University.
  • Parallel Processing and Parallelizing Compilation Techniques for “Green Computing”. Yasutaka Wada, Department of Information Science, Meisei University.
  • Development of farm robot. Noé Velázquez López– Autonomous University of Chapingo.

Wednesday, October 17 th, 2018

Venue: Mtro. José Antonio Echenique García Auditorium, Faculty of Accounting and Management

10:00 – 11:20 hrs. Session VI: Bilateral Cooperation: Natural disasters

  • The colaboration between Mexico and Japan in earthquake engineering and seismology. Francisco Sánchez Sesma – Institute of Engineering – UNAM.
  • Angélica Lozano Cuevas – Institute of Engineering, UNAM.
  • Víctor Manuel Cruz Atienza – Institute of Geophysics, UNAM.
  • Recent seafloor seismic and tsunami observation systems for scientific research and disaster mitigation. Masanao Shinohara – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo.

11:30 – 12:50 hrs. Session VII – Gender equality and G20

  • Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala – Institute of Social Research, UNAM.

13:00 – 14:20 hrs. Session VIII: Soft power & Intercultural communication

  • Evaluation of a long-term cultural diplomacy between Mexico and Japan: a research project on the former participants of the governmental bilateral student exchange program started in 1971. Kazuyasu Ochiai, Center for Advancement of Meisei Education, Meisei University.
  • From “International Cultural Exchange” to “Efforts to Promote Understanding and Trust in Japan”: Japan’s Public Diplomacy since the 1970s. Ayako Kusunoki, International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
  • The “Cool Japan” Discourses and the Multiple Values of Popular Media. Álvaro David Hernandez Hernández, International Research Center for Japanese Studies.
  • Positioning and social representations of the way of work of Japaneses and Mexicans. Kazuko Nagao – National School for Languages, Linguistics and Translation, UNAM.

14.30 – 15:50 hrs. Break

16:00 – 17:20 hrs. Session IX: Green Policy

  • New Town Development and Green Activities by Hiroshima University. Sadatsugu Nishiura, School of Science and Engineering, Program in Environmental System, Meisei University.
  • David Bonilla Vargas – Institute of Economic Research, UNAM.
  • The green policy and the sustainable development goals. Paola Selene Vera Martínez – Faculty of Accounting and Management, UNAM.
  • Latin America – Related Green Activities by Hiroshima University. Naotaka Hirami – University of Hiroshima.

17:30 – 18:30 hrs. Closing

Cultural activity – Two Stories, Two women in the Japanese Tradition: The crescent moon bear.

  • Narrator: Marcela Romero
  • Closing remarks

*Preliminar, sujeto a cambio

Tel: 54243785

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