Young Scholars for Better Statistics Award

Young Scholars for Better Statistics Award

Purpose and description

As part of the activities of the 2018 IAOS-OECD conference (Paris, 19-21 September), IAOS and OECD organise  a Young Scholars for Better Statistics Award . This award recognises work from students and their academic advisors. The winning papers need to show a clear contribution to the better understanding of official statistics, as well as their usefulness and challenges, and potential options to improve their production in a particular subject or field of analysis.

The papers should have a section including an analysis of the current state of official statistics (its limitations, challenges and recommendations to improve) in their particular subject of reference at the local. regional or global level.

Within the theme“Better Statistics for Better Lives”the main general subjects are:

  • Issues related to sustainability:-Enviromental sustainability;-Capital approach to sustainability and well-being;-Social capital, social connections;
  • The measurement and impact of digitalisation and globalisation:-The impact of digitalisation on people´s lives;-Official measurement of digitalisation;

    -The mis-measurement of official economic statistics hypothesis.

  • Well-being and quality of life:-Official measurement of well-being, happiness and life satisfaction;-Official measurement problems in quality of life;

    -International differences in well-being;

    -Quality of work and jobs;

    -Governance, security and drugs.

  • The future role/position of official statistics:-Regional and local statistics for better lives;-Actual use of official statistics for better lives;

    -Official statistics and evidence-based policy making;

    -Sustainable development goals.

1st Place

  • The 1st place will be awarded a total of 1,500 EUR via bank transfer (divided among co-au- thors if applicable);
  • Travel expenses, and accommodation for one author and one academic advisor to attend the IAOS-OECD 2018 conference in Paris on 19-21 September 2018 (divided among co-authors and/or co-advisors if requested);
  • IAOS-OECD 2018 Conference registration fees for the author(s) and their academic advisor(s);
  • The name(s) of the winning author(s) and their academic advisor(s) will be included in the conference agenda and on the IAOS website;
  • The winning author(s) and academic advisor(s) will be granted access to the IAOS-OECD 2018 conference (noting that attendance expenses will only be paid for one author and one academic advisor);
  • Two-year membership of IAOS for the winning author(s) and their academic advisor(s);
  • A certificate from the IAOS-OECD acknowledging success in winning the Award;
  • Automatic submission for publication in the Statistical Journal of the IAOS (SJIAOS).

2nd and 3rd Places

  • The 2nd and the 3rd place will receive 750 EUR and 500 EUR respectively (divided among co-authors if applicable);
  • The 2nd and 3rd place IAOS-OECD 2018 Conference registration fees will be covered;
  • The 2nd and 3rd place will receive two years of IAOS membership and a certificate for the author and their academic advisor;
  • The names of the authors of the 2nd and 3rd place, together with their academic advisors, will be included in the conference agenda and on the IAOS website.

Guidelines and requirements for eligibility:

Please consult the guidelines and requirements for eligibility available here

Please submit your paper at before 11:59 pm on 30th march 2018.

If you need any further information about the award please write to

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