Eco Vista Climate Justice Press

Eco Vista Community


Climate chaos.  Donald Trump. The sixth extinction.  The Coronavirus. The Anthropocene arrives.

These epochal developments exponentially compound today’s interlinked crises of predatory neoliberal capitalism, widespread disenchantment with political parties, genocidal militarism, and everyday cultures of violence, just as they unleash rampant inequality, suffering, incarceration, and forced migration, stealing lives and livelihoods.

Who is responsible for this devastation to families and communities on the frontlines of impact, communities also often the least responsible for the changing climate?  What nations and militaries, which corporations and banks, and what structures of power enable this state of affairs?

What if this didn’t have to be the end of the story? Where there is oppression, there is also agency and resistance.  Communities, peoples, allied species, and Mother Earth herself are fighting back against the nihilistic, amoral, and death-dealing dystopian status quo of the one percenters.

We are standing together with many, many others across regional and cultural lines in defiant movements of opposition and visionary acts of creation in the name of life itself. Collectively and loosely, these risings trace the contours of the global climate justice movement. Our vision for the Eco Vista Climate Justice Press is to be a vehicle to affirm these struggles and nurture their visions of better futures.

We intend this space to be one of radical imagination, supportive yet critical thinking, and, ultimately, a nonviolent weapon of mass creation.

We will publish works from and about the movements for systemic transformation – including our own – and from the climate justice movement, testimonies, eyewitness accounts, the first drafts of a new history – fiction, non-fiction, journalism, and everything in between.

Eco Vista

The Eco Vista Climate Justice Press is a project of Eco Vista.  Our long-term goal is to establish an ongoing, multigenerational, student-led community project for an equitable and just transition in Isla Vista.

We aim to encourage and inspire the foundation of an eco-village in Isla Vista, California, through renewable energy, a flourishing and regenerative agro-ecology of public urban gardens, cooperative, affordable eco-housing, a circular eco-economy based on solidarity and meeting the real needs of the inhabitants, a vibrant web of visionary cultural creativity, radical self-governance, and community priorities determined by all who reside here.

The Eco Vista Climate Justice Press, then, aligns itself with a network of other visionary creative communities, in solidarity with those on the frontlines and fencelines of the climate crisis.

We will fight for all people with all the words we can find, everywhere, always.

Founding Editor

John Foran

Editorial Board

Michael Bean [in memoriam] Noa Cykman
Jessica Myngheer
Jessica Alvarez Parfrey
Elena Salinas

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